This week the NeuroErgonomics Laboratory attended the Neuroergonomics and NYC Neuromodulation Conference 2022! During this conference, we heard colleagues and fellow researchers in neuroergonomics and neuromodulation address the state-of-the-art neurotechnology for brain-body performance and health. This conference covered many areas of interest including Brain/Body Performance, Skill Acquisition, Stress and Fatigue, Pain, Addiction and Binge Eating, Cognition and Physical Recovery, Eye-tracking, Neuromarketing, and Remote/mobile sensing in the wild.
Each speaker and session brought valuable insight into the future of neurotechnology and we were excited to connect and share with everyone attending. Our team also had the wonderful opportunity of presenting our work during sessions, lightning talks, and abstract presentations at poster sessions.
Dr. Ranjana Mehta presenting “The eyes are windows into the brain: Sex parity for effective human-autonomy teaming” in the Social and Consumer Neuroergonomics session. She also organized the session: Promoting emerging scientists and diversity in Neurotech: A Discussion” and was the diversity and accessibility chair for the conference.
Tiash Rana Mukherjee’s ⚡️lightning ⚡️ talk on “Neural, muscular, and perceptual responses with Shoulder Exoskeleton use over days.”
Oshin Tyagi’s⚡️lightning ⚡️ talk on “TMS applications to uncover central mechanisms of fatigue under stress”
John Hayes’⚡️lightning ⚡️ talk on “Brain Dynamics Associated with Psychomotor Training Using Augmented Reality”
Each member of our team also submitted abstracts of current projects and had the opportunity to present their work at poster sessions throughout the conference. You can find the pdf versions of the posters linked below.

Top row (left to right): Yixin Zhang, Oshin Tyagi, Isabella Pedron, Shivangi Dwivedi. Bottom row (left to right): Tiash Rana Mukherjee, Aakash, Yinsu Zhang, John Hayes
Aakash – Neural Signatures of Trust in Human-Robot Collaboration: A Tale of Two Use-Cases
Oshin Tyagi – TMS applications to uncover central mechanisms of fatigue under stress
Yixin Zhang – Heart Rate Variability as a Biomarker for Working Memory Performance and Fatigue Perception
Shivangi Dwivedi and Isabella Pedron – Neurophysiological and Perceptual Evaluation of Adaptive Augmented Reality Based Training
Tiash Rana Mukherjee – Neural, Muscular, and Perceptual responses with Shoulder Exoskeleton use over days
Yinsu Zhang – Neural Signatures of Dynamic Trust in AVs
Two of our lab members, Oshin Tyagi and Aakash, were also awarded the Abbott Science and Society Award for Emerging Scientists! We are thankful for recourses and opportunities like the Abbott award that makes sharing our research and attending conferences like this possible! Way to go Oshin and Aakash!
Thanks for a wonderful event and thank you NYC for welcoming a part of Texas A&M University! Gig em’!

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Sarah Hopko, PhD for being awarded the Outstanding graduating doctoral student award.
Rohith Karthikeyan for being recognized for his excellence in research.
Oshin Tyagi for the Dr. Milden J Fox Jr. ’69 and Mary P. Fox ’73 fellowship.
and Ranjana Mehta for the Outstanding Faculty Research Award and the Mike and Sugar Barnes Career Development Fellowship II!
Thank you TAMU ISEN Department for these wonderful recognitions. The NeuroErgo lab is so proud!