We are excited to welcome our newest PhD students! Learn more about them in “People”!
Neurotechnology for space exploration – AggiE-Challenge!
Our lab is hosting a AggiE-Challenge UG team to develop a wearable neurotechnology to enhance performance in altered gravity environments! Interested UG students can contact Dr. Mehta for more details or read here: https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/aggie-challenge/courses/ENGR-491-524.html
We received new funding from Ocean Energy Safety Institute on fatigue in Oil and Gas Workers!
We received a one-year grant from OESI on expanding our fatigue research in offshore and onshore oil and gas operations. This grant will focus on developing field-friendly tools to assess and manage fatigue in high-risk scenarios. More info under Research (Predictive health and safety -> FRAME).
We received new funding from NSF CISE (Cyber Human Systems) on HRI and Augmented Reality!
We received a four-year multi-institution grant from NSF CISE Directorate on “Augmenting Human Cognition with Collaborative Robots”! More info can be found under Research -> HRI ->AMELIA!
Post-doctoral Fellow @ the NeuroErgonomics Lab
The NeuroErgonomics Lab in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Texas A&M University is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow for Fall 2019 or Spring 2020 with a strong background in neuroscience or neural engineering, who is interested in HCI and HRI applications. Research in the NeuroErgonomics Lab utilizes theories, methods, and techniques from physiology, biomechanics, neuroscience, engineering, and psychology to better understand, monitor, and augment human health and safety in high-risk environments. The fellow will lead a portfolio of NSF-funded studies on conducting ambulatory brain imaging during HRI/HCI and developing closed-loop Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for high-risk work applications (e.g., emergency response, space exploration).
Interested candidates should have obtained a Ph.D. degree by the start date.
- Our research is multi-disciplinary and inclusive, applicants may have engineering, kinesiology, or neuroscience backgrounds.
- Knowledge and experience in at least one of the following brain imaging (preferably fNIRS) or stimulation (tDCS/TMS) techniques
- Strong programming and computational skills
- A strong track record of peer-reviewed publications and presentations
- The ideal candidate will have proven talent to work independently with excellent interpersonal, communication, and mentoring skills
To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, statement of research interest, and names and contact information for two references who can be contacted for letters of recommendation to Dr. Ranjana Mehta at rmehta at tamu dot edu
PhD positions available
The NeuroErgonomics Lab is seeking Ph.D. students for Spring and Fall 2020 to work on cross-cutting human systems engineering projects focusing on BCIs, HRI, and wearables. Students with prior neuroimaging or wearable sensing and analysis experiences are especially encouraged to apply. If interested, please email CV, research statement, and contact info of three references to rmehta at tamu dot edu.